Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jeans part II

Sunday was laundry day for me, and I ran out of my cozy and familiar yoga/stretch pants that I live in exclusively. I had a lunch date with my friend Tim, and because it was in the mid-fifties and pouring rain I figured a skirt or dress would be exceptionally inappropriate. I figured that at some point I'm going to have to ACTUALLY wear the jeans Mike bought, so now was as good a time as any. They were surprisingly comfortable, although way too baggy everywhere except my waist (although I suppose that will change if I just keep working at it).  I actually went out of the house wearing them, and didn't feel majorly self-conscious (Then again, I was also wearing two long shirts and a hoodie), so I would call it a win!

I was definitely naughty this weekend. I ate ate restaurants several times, and I made brownies. I ate grilled fish when we went to CB (Cracker Barrel), and some fried okra instead of fries. I actually ate a biscuit for the first time in months too. I went to TGIF on Sunday with Tim, and got a sirloin with broccoli and sweet potato fries. The steak was horrid and I couldn't finish it. I had a tiny burger from Wendy's on Saturday while running errands with Mike, but it made me so sick I won't be returning there any time soon.

This totally extreme changing weather is killing me. The warm sunny weather makes me happy and active, and I'm more apt to work out as well as do activities, but this cold cloudy borderline Winter weather that pops up puts me back into hibernation mode. I'm absolutely a Summer person, sunshine and heat make me happy. I'm like a turtle in that aspect. So because the weather this week went back and forth a whole bunch, I ended up craving chocolate in a majorly awful way, and begged Mike to buy me brownie mix. It was so not worth it, because yesterday I gorged myself on the remainder of the pan (1/3 of a 9x12), and made myself seriously ill, plus I drank more milk than I have in weeks. I probably won't be making brownies again for a long while.

Last night Mike had work, so I cooked him a fresh steak when he came home. He ate one piece, and hated it, so I wound up eating it despite not being hungry, so it wouldn't end up sitting in the fridge until it was fridge clean out day on Sunday. Mike likes salt, so I rubbed salt, pepper, and garlic powder onto the steak before broiling it...I cut down my salt intake a ton because I was constantly feeling awful after eating salty foods. The steak was definitely more salty than I normally eat, but it was tolerable.

I woke up this morning to my kidneys hurting terribly (gee, I wonder why), I'm going to stick to my own marinades from now on, and if Mike doesn't like it he can eat something else (No offense Bub!)

Anyway, I'm going to venture off to the gym in an hour after peak usage has waned so I can find a parking spot that isn't in the overflow lot and hope that I can drink enough water today to clear out all the salt from my system.


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