Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Keep on Keeping on

I had a lazy weekend. I didn't have a car Thursday or Friday, so on Thursday I did yoga to curb my craving for sweets. I was so sore on Friday I used it as my off day. Saturday brought absolutely gross snow that was so thick it was slushy. I skipped leaving the house, because I hate driving through that stuff and I had orders to complete. Sunday morning Mike had the car, so again no gym. We did go to the mall and do a lap around, so my day wasn't completely without exercise. Saturday I also made brownies, because I had this crazy idea that I should put chili pepper chocolate into dark chocolate brownie mix. Turns out I was correct in thinking that they are DELICIOUS. But they are also super rich, and a small brownie is enough for me to feel almost sick, so I haven't devoured the pan yet (thankfully!).

I digress. Yesterday I got back to the gym, and I think Eisley is having a harder time with it than I am. She is miserable every time I leave her in the daycare. I feel awful, but is it wrong for me to just leave her screaming and crying hysterically so I can run for 20 minutes? Maybe it's the fact that we're weaning and she's teething. I don't know. She was such a rock star until I took her to the other gym in Shelton, and I had a feeling I should check on her and she was hysterical. Ever since then she hates being left at the childcare, even though I haven't brought her back to that one. I hope she gets over it soon.

I have a busy day ahead of me, gym and errands and then going to my mom's for a few hours!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pinterest is the Devil

It isn't really the devil, but after spending 30 minutes looking at dessert recipes and DYING to make one, I decided to not do that and instead made myself a coffee and did some yoga (Thank you Netflix). Seriously, between mug brownies and home made peanut butter cups I was drooling like a basset hound. Gross!

I used to be halfway capable of doing some moderate difficulty poses. Now the basic ones are killing me! Haha. I know I'll get there, but gosh darnit I never thought I'd have trouble with the chair pose.

Now that my junk food craving is gone, I think I'll nibble on a square of chili chocolate and do some more yoga!

At least I'm doing something since I don't have the car tonight and can't get to the gym.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

74 to go.

So I'm down to 180 lbs again, and this time I've stayed there for a couple of weeks! I've been getting back to the gym, even if it's for a short run most times I figure 2 miles is pretty good! I hit a new top speed today while doing the Mt. Kilimanjaro program on the elliptical, 6 mph! That is a huge improvement from my whopping 3 mph on my first time back to the gym in January, though it's still nothing compared to my normal pace of 9-10 mph that I used to run. I'm hoping that by May I will be back to that speed, and will be able to maintain it for at least 20 minutes. I'm also hoping that by May I will have lost enough to hit my first goal weight of 150 lbs. If I get there, I will be rewarding myself by going to see my piercer and getting something re-pierced.

My appetite has also finally started to diminish, so I'm not starving after eating a normal portion, which is awesome. I hope things continue on this path, because I'm quite pleased!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sleep, Finally

So I have finally discovered that if Eisley sleeps in our bed the entire night, she doesn't beat me up nor does she need to nurse! So bring on the sleep!!!
Tonight I am going to hopefully go to the gym, Eisley permitting. Even if I only get 20 minutes of running in, it's better than nothing!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Update

I still have not gone to the gym since last week's breakdown. I instead went to the town library on Thursday morning for a toddler activity class, and then wound up staying there for a couple of hours. E still has not been sleeping well, which I am blaming on the 4 teeth still trying to bust through her gums. Her lack of sleep equals my lack of sleep, so I just have not had the energy to work out. It's a lame excuse, but I'm drinking huge cups of coffee on a daily basis just to keep myself going (Not to mention going to bed at like....10pm because I'm that tired).

Anyway, I won't be able to attempt a morning gym visit again until Thursday, so I'm going to try tomorrow night. My yo-yoing weight is at it again. I'm back down 6 pounds, and I'm hoping it's actual loss this time but who knows. I've been trying to be more active at home, i.e. running around the house with E, dancing and marching and jumping with her. I cannot wait until the Summer comes, because I will get back into the pool and go to the park again!

That's about all for now!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lazy Daisy

It's been a few days between posts. I've had a lot of personal issues happening that have kept me rather uninspired when it comes to blogging. I haven't been to the gym in a week. The last time I went, Eisley screamed in the daycare so hard and long that the girl came and got me off of the elliptical so I could take her home. I have been keeping active around the house as best I can. I'll be going back to the gym tomorrow when I'm feeling 100% again.
I feel stalled already, I'm not feeling any better about myself. I feel less and less motivated to work out and be active, and maybe that's just from being tormented at night by the baby, but I am just so tired all the time. I know proper sleep is a key ingredient in weight loss, but is it possible to lose while sleep deprived? I feel like it's just not happening for me.
I keep putting on weight despite having cut out soda, pretty much all junk food (I eat the occasional cookies and handful of goldfish crackers), and stopped eating at restaurants unless it is a family dinner. I know being healthy is about balance, which I'm definitely close to achieving. I've cut down my carbs (which if you know me personally, you know I LOVE pasta and bread), and upped my fruits, veggies, nuts and meats/fish. I'm even trying to avoid frying foods.
My mom gave me her Weight Watchers cookbook, so I'm going to start using recipes from there too. 

At the rate I'm going, I'm still going to be in maternity jeans and a skirted swimsuit by June and I am so not looking forward to that.