Thursday, January 19, 2012

Portion Control THIS!

One of the most difficult things I have encountered so far in my quest to reclaim a size 4 dress has been learning exactly how much a correct portion really is. As an American, I have been conditioned to believe that a plate full of food is an accurate depiction of how much food I should be eating. Sadly, I know this not to be the case. Previously I never had an issue with eating an entire plate of food, but since I am trying to change my lifestyle in order to get fit, I am paying more attention to how much I consume.
I know eventually my body will become accustomed to eating normal sized portions, but for the time being after a meal my body just keeps telling me I am hungry. It drives me CRAZY! I often have to fight off the urge to take a second helping of whatever meal I've eaten to satisfy my hunger, and instead wait a couple of hours to have a small snack between meals. Some days I just don't care enough to fight it, and I'll have a setback and eat a double portion of breakfast or lunch. It's a great motivator to get my ass to the gym.
Some people might think I'm insane for actually reading the nutrition fact labels on foods before eating them, but it's certainly helped me gain perspective on how much I have been overeating for years. For example, when I would order a pizza (usually a large), I would eat pretty much the whole thing in one sitting, plus a liter of cola (I don't want a large Farva, I want a god damned liter a cola!!!), but somehow I still managed to hover around the same weight for years. I now realize that normal people eat a slice, maybe two because that is a normal portion. Maybe pizza is a bad example, since I'm currently avoiding it unless it's a tortilla pizza I've made, but it gives a pretty good example of the challenge I'm facing.
Making meals for myself and Eisley (my daughter) presents some challenges as well, since sometimes E decides she isn't interested in eating her portion, but wants to share it with mama. I used to happily oblige, sometimes secretly hoping she would offer me a piece of those raviolis I love so much. Now when she refuses to eat, and offers it to me I politely decline and let her drop it on the floor instead.
For the record, I'm not starving myself by any means, since usually about half an hour after I've eaten my body finally gets the message that I am in fact NOT hungry anymore. Talk about delayed signals. If I do still feel hungry after half an hour, I'll eat a snack (I love those times)!

Anyway, I've gone and written another novel! One last thing, since two weeks ago when I started working out again I've lost about 4 lbs, which is a slow start but I'm excited!


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