Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

So all of my excitement from my last update was for naught. I was down to 176, and holding when Friday rolled around. I knew that we had several barbeques to attend, so I made sure to mind how much food, and what I took in.
Friday and Saturday we didn't do much. I was ill with stomach issues, so I wound up laying in bed a lot both days. I finally gained my appetite back, and ate a bagel and a plain hamburger on Friday night.
Saturday we ran errands, and while Mike ate at the mall, I ate small meals before and after and sipped iced tea while he had hot dogs.
Sunday was BBQ numero uno, I had a hot dog and hamburger along with some baked beans for lunch. I snacked on Carrots, celery, and cucumber from the crudites plate, but avoided the ranch dressing. I had a couple of peanut butter cookies and an Italian knot over the course of the day as well. That is significantly less than my standard fare at a cookout. I was feeling proud of myself.
Monday was Memorial Day, and I always go to the parade in Trumbull and watch from a family friend's yard. They have a big cookout each year. I had a hamburger, a couple of carrot sticks, and some of the kielbasa I made. I drank water and iced tea. I wasn't hungry, and I felt good about my choices.
Yesterday I took Eisley to the zoo with my mom, we did two laps around the place because Eisley managed to sleep through the first, haha. My mom had a cheeseburger and fries. I shared a popsicle with E, and stole a couple of leftover fries from my mom. I had steak and corn for dinner.

I felt very proud of my choices over the weekend, as they are much improved from how I would normally eat on a holiday weekend.
I stepped on the scale this morning for my weekly weigh-in, and I managed to gain back all 5 pounds I had lost, as well as an additional pound, bringing me back up to 181.

I haven't worked out at all lately, unless you count running around after a toddler for hours on a daily basis, so I know that I haven't been doing myself any favor, but I'm still disappointed.
The only good news is, is that today, for the first time in weeks, I feel normal. I'm not exhausted to the point of being barely able to function. I feel like I could go to the gym, which I may actually do tonight if I still feel up to it.

I really need to call that doctor's office and see if there are any cancellations that have opened spots up so I can get my thyroid checked out sooner.

Well, that's all for the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that stinks! Im sorry you keep going back and forth. I hope your doctor gets something figured out!
