Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

So all of my excitement from my last update was for naught. I was down to 176, and holding when Friday rolled around. I knew that we had several barbeques to attend, so I made sure to mind how much food, and what I took in.
Friday and Saturday we didn't do much. I was ill with stomach issues, so I wound up laying in bed a lot both days. I finally gained my appetite back, and ate a bagel and a plain hamburger on Friday night.
Saturday we ran errands, and while Mike ate at the mall, I ate small meals before and after and sipped iced tea while he had hot dogs.
Sunday was BBQ numero uno, I had a hot dog and hamburger along with some baked beans for lunch. I snacked on Carrots, celery, and cucumber from the crudites plate, but avoided the ranch dressing. I had a couple of peanut butter cookies and an Italian knot over the course of the day as well. That is significantly less than my standard fare at a cookout. I was feeling proud of myself.
Monday was Memorial Day, and I always go to the parade in Trumbull and watch from a family friend's yard. They have a big cookout each year. I had a hamburger, a couple of carrot sticks, and some of the kielbasa I made. I drank water and iced tea. I wasn't hungry, and I felt good about my choices.
Yesterday I took Eisley to the zoo with my mom, we did two laps around the place because Eisley managed to sleep through the first, haha. My mom had a cheeseburger and fries. I shared a popsicle with E, and stole a couple of leftover fries from my mom. I had steak and corn for dinner.

I felt very proud of my choices over the weekend, as they are much improved from how I would normally eat on a holiday weekend.
I stepped on the scale this morning for my weekly weigh-in, and I managed to gain back all 5 pounds I had lost, as well as an additional pound, bringing me back up to 181.

I haven't worked out at all lately, unless you count running around after a toddler for hours on a daily basis, so I know that I haven't been doing myself any favor, but I'm still disappointed.
The only good news is, is that today, for the first time in weeks, I feel normal. I'm not exhausted to the point of being barely able to function. I feel like I could go to the gym, which I may actually do tonight if I still feel up to it.

I really need to call that doctor's office and see if there are any cancellations that have opened spots up so I can get my thyroid checked out sooner.

Well, that's all for the moment.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekend Update

So just a quick little blurb since I haven't been posting much lately. I'm finally into the 170s! I've maintained 176 for over a week now, which is pretty freaking awesome! I have not been to the gym though since the end of April. I just seriously have not been feeling well at all. I blame the weather, because it's been mostly cold and rainy for weeks, although the last three days have been wonderful!

I'm going to try and get back into working out again starting on Monday. I hate having to start over, but at least it's not years between visits this time.

Anyway, I'm going to head to the park in a bit and I've said all I need to say!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jeans pt III!

Yes, another update about jeans.
It's a good one!

The size 18 jeans Mike bought for me several weeks ago no longer fit. Eisley pretty much pantsed me in front of a couple of clients today while I was doing a cut. They were already baggy everywhere except the waist when I bought them, but now even the waist is extremely loose. I also saw 180 lbs for the first time in months on the scale. Hopefully it sticks!!!

Last weekend was great, Mike and I did a walk on the Rail Trail (aka Freedom Trail) in Trumbull with Eisley in the stroller. We went from the center of town to Whitney ave, and back. Round-trip it's about 6 miles if you go according to the trail marking benches every half-mile. It felt awesome!

This week I have felt so incredibly unmotivated and exhausted. I'm blaming this crappy crappy weather, and my new Kindle Fire that Mike gave me. I hope the weather goes back to the warm sunny stuff we have been having, because I hate feeling like such a sloth.

Anyway, just a short update, hopefully more posts of this nature in the coming weeks!
I'm hoping to be back into a size 10 by my birthday in December.
