Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gross Gym Habits

Last night I went back to the gym for a quick run, so I would have at least done a little bit of a workout. I managed to do 25 minutes going between 4.7- and 5.5 mph, which is pretty good considering!

Anyway, the gym was crowded, as it usually is after dinner so I took the only open elliptical machine next to this guy who was chugging along at a steady pace. He was on the machine before I got to mine, continued to go until about three minutes before I was done. He hopped down, put his backpack on, and WALKED AWAY! What the hell! He was pouring sweat when he was on the machine, I could clearly see his nasty ass hand prints on the handles, and he just left it!!! I spent a year and a half working at a gym, and even though there was significantly less equipment, if a member did that we would kindly remind them they need to wipe down the machine when they're done. I CANNOT believe this guy just left the machine like that. I finished my workout, managed to stop two people from using the machine before I could wipe it down myself, and then gave it a good wipe down before heading out.

A word to the not-so-wise gym goers out there, wipe down your equipment after you use it, it's called HYGIENE and COMMON FREAKING DECENCY! You wouldn't want me sweating all over your car's steering wheel, would you? That's probably how I caught my cold in the first place. It also reminds me to wipe down my machine before AND after I use it so I can prevent the spread of bacteria.

I'm still so thoroughly disgusted if I had spotted him on my way out, I would have told the gym staff what he did (even if they didn't give a shit, I would feel better). If I see him do it again I'm going to say something to him and to the staff.

Anyway, enough of my rant. Just remember, don't be a pig, wipe up your sweat when you're done working out!


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